Sansevero LIS tour press conference

The Sansevero Chapel opens its doors to guides for deaf people. After a long period of thorough training with the Progetto Museo Association, a group of deaf operators from the ENS are now ready to provide special visits for deaf people.
At 11.30 am on Tuesday 18th September, a press conference will take place to present the Sansevero in LIS Project organized by the Sansevero Chapel Museum in conjunction with the Naples Provincial Section of the Ente Nazionale Sordi (ENS – The National Association of the Deaf) and the Associazione Progetto Museo (Museum Project Association) at the Sansevero Chapel (Via F. De Sanctis, 19).
Speakers: Fabrizio Masucci, President of the Sansevero Chapel Museum and Elvira Sepe, President of the Naples Provincial Section of the Ente Nazionale Sordi, Francesca Amirante, President of the Associazione Progetto Museo and Maria Alessandra Masucci of the Board of Directors of the Sansevero Chapel Museum.